Friday 7 November 2014

Sources of Literature part 1

When research different sources of literature which could possibly help develop and expand my initial inquiry thoughts my first port of call was to look at the syllabus first from a dance organisation  and secondly from a educational curriculum view as I though this could open up other possible though paths involving the syllabuses development over a number of years, interpretation and its effectiveness. Although I found a few general discussion forums/blogs etc. on the topic I couldn't find quite what I was looking for I therefore turned my attention to specific questions I had already developed to see if theses could lead me to a new line of thought of development. One of the questions that had popped up on a number of occasions during conversations with fellow teachers was the affect assessment and/or exams can have on a child...Are they a good indication of ability, how they affect a child's ability to progress, are they setting children up for a fall, or are they in fact they way in which we succeed? The article I found particularly interesting was not specific to Dance but around learning in general. I still feel it holds a great deal of substance and relevance me as I always look to educational styles of teaching to help develop my on styles and techniques. All teaching stems from a set goal in wanting the child to succeed. The article comments on the pressures of examinations and how ensuring confidence is installed in every child is key. 

The source was located from the Thinking inclusion  IQM Blog -  Inclusion Quality Mark Ltd (IQM) was established in the U.K in October 2004 with the objective of supporting both state and independent schools to become truly inclusive. The particular entry was posted by 'Chris' On June 1st 2014
One particular point I found very relevant was a comment made on a child having the feeling of failure and feeling inferior. Undoubtable at some point or another there will be a child who lacks self confidence and self worth, as a teacher it is our responsibility to ensure this happens as little as possible. Within many teaching spaces words such as fail, lose, cant and failure are forbidden but is the fact that in place to learn we must fail in order to succeed? Is this not what a learning journey is all about? However the point of reinforce positive praise to motivate learning, not setting a child up to fail are also key elements a successful teacher must endeavour to achieve.
''In every classroom there is likely to be a group of children who feel inferior to their classmates, with some actively articulating their difficulty in learning. I can’t…. draw, dance, remember, calculate…I’m not as good as…..  Life is full of pitfalls and the ability to face these is often the real test. Schools should be places where learners can seek solutions with active guidance and support as needed. Is failing as good for the soul as some would make out? Or, on learning situations, should areas for development be the mantra?
Pass/fail; win/lose; good/bad; yes/no; success/failure; can/can’t.
If we allow regular, polarised usage of such words to colour and determine education, what is the subsequent impact on the learning journeys of young people?''
The above point emphasises why everyone teaches in a different way, although we many attempt to follow certain criteria and take on board advised teaching styles we all in fact find our own way and one which works for us and our children.

Although the article in the main is regarding Assessment and examination it touches on many different points as well which is why I really found it insightful and it gave my a whole new range of possible paths of enquiry. It lead me on to want to see if I could find an expert opinion on the role dance plays within the mainstream education system and how they themselves overcome some of the hurdles mentioned above.


1 comment:

  1. Some interesting issues that have to do with assessment, inclusion and achievement as key words here Nicola - continue to define the issues using multiple sources. The fact that you needed the questions as a starting point makes sense - follow the debates in your field - the points of view that differ. I agree looking at the wealth of knowledge form education rather than just dance will allow you to augment your knowledge of teaching in ways that can augment your professional teaching roles "The article I found particularly interesting was not specific to Dance but around learning in general. I still feel it holds a great deal of substance and relevance me as I always look to educational styles of teaching to help develop my on styles and techniques." Carry on finding literature that will inform your planning for your inquiry - begin think about what else you need/want to know... and carry on blogging!
