Monday 24 February 2014

Task 1D 2D images

Now this task serves me with a few problems...
A main part of my Job is working within Primary Schools across the country deliver Dance based workshops, this obviously offers up some ethical issues when it comes to being able to take and use photos. As I am only in a school for a day or two at a time, to get permission from all parents, as I don't necessarily have a 'bond' or a 'trusted relationship' with the school (although I would like to think I establish this before I leave) would be quite difficult. I therefore am rethinking my initial approach to this this space!!!


  1. Hi Nicola!
    As much of my teaching revolves around teaching children I too faced this issue. I am touring up and down the country with a theatre production aimed at year 8 and year 9's and like yourself, am only in a school for 1-2 hours which would not put me in a suitable position to even ask for permission. Fortunately, I have one permanent position teaching at a theatre school on a Saturday and so, after a lot of permission-gaining, was able to add a handle full of blurred-out photographs to an Instagram account. I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you! Only I'm in the same position too! Have you thought about emailing your advisor?
    Pip :)

  2. Hi Nicola,
    That's a tough situation, could you possibly email the schools in advance and attach a declaration for the parents to sign explaining your circumstances and reasons for taking and using the pictures, just a thought! Wishing you luck x

  3. I call them nouns - people, places, things and events. you could try to photograph your work without children - they could be of yourself as a performer - or with other staff, with props - with a school setting but no children - during an event when photos have been okayed by parents and the Head etc.. Yes permission is a part of the picture when working with children - does your company allow you to use any of their promotional photos? Can you link to them? Do you have earlier photos of what you do? promotional photos or headshots?
