Tuesday 6 May 2014

Module One Final Thoughts

Three words to Describe my experience to date...(HARD!)
Knowledgeable, Frustrating, Exciting

I have been fascinated by the amount of knowledge I have been able to develop over the past 3 Months, I have to admit at times I have felt quite swamped and overwhelmed by the commitment and focus required to really understand theories and get to grips with different concepts, but that has not damped my desire to know more and keep on top of tasks.

Module one topics give a great basis and introduction to really get the creative juices flowing, investigating web 2 based (task 1) concepts has opened my eyes to the vast array of programmes and how dependant on them our society has become. It has also given me the tools to delve deeper, looking at  human processes whilst using such programs and how this can develop key networks and connections (task 3). Thinkers such as Bourdieu, 1984 discuss how our thoughts and opinions are so heavily influenced by a 'social dominant' in a way we have lost some ability to think for ourselves and  in some situations devise our opinions on what others believe to be correct which coincides with other theorists such as Crotty, M 2005 who states we rely on the larger social processes to develop Networks, which includes our ability to influence and construct new thoughts and knowledge giving us the chance to reinvent 'reality' by individuals acting on their interpretations and knowledge.

Task 2 has made me realise how relevant the process of Reflection is to me and how I use it every single day without acknowledgement. Writing a reflective journal base on several different frameworks (Reid 1994, Jenny Moon, Williams & Cowley 2004) has been really useful in turning experiences into resources, I have been able to look back on previous days events learning, developing and improving from them. Through this process I have found questions and topics developing which I am intrigued to look into in more depth including;
  • the significance of a disciplinarian and who takes on this role in certain situations?  
  •   Which teaching styles and theories have the most success when applied in my practice, showing both development and may increase the children's learning?
  • Children's ability to retain information/ choreography... any possible theories or styles which can encourage this to a better level?
I look forward to taking advantage of Module Two to develop these thoughts further  and see if they could be possible topics for my Personal Inquiry.

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